tisdag 23 april 2013

.:Your a Star:.

Goodmorning out there! ;)
It's a kind of grey and rainy morning here... But better now then on saturday! Right? ;)
Today a card from this weekend. One of the cutest stamps ever! Love coloring this little cutie.
I'm actually trying very hard to make myself do a few cards that are more "flat" then the ones I usually make. If I give the card by hand together with a flower or a gift, then it's totally ok to have layers, flowers and stuff... But sending a card by mail makes it a little bit harder ;)
So here's a "flat" one :)
Wishing you a great day, hopefully a bit better weather then today for tomorrow ;)
And thanks for stopping by!
Huge hugs!

1 kommentar:

Kicki sa...

Wow, gillar massa, massa, MASSA!!
Stämpeln är så söt så jag får tandvärk!
Jag tycker mycket om din färgläggning, funderar på om du möjligtvis använder distresser...

Tycker att dina kort/LO´s är förtrollande oavsett om du dekorerar dem massor eller med bara något litet! Du kan konsten att plocka fram "det lilla extra" ur dina skapelser hur som helst!!

Kram Kicki

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