söndag 11 oktober 2015

♥ New Christmas digis 2015 ♥

Alla har vi ju våra favoriter ;)
Och två av mina är de första två nedan.
Därför fick dom nytt liv i vinterformat ♥
Och sist men inte minst en ny digi ;)
Would you be my Merry this Christmas?

You light my fire
Må gott allihopa!
Stor kram från Karin~Kajsan

12 kommentarer:

  1. Oh, they are so sweet! You are very talented in drawing these cuties!
    Hugs Edith

  2. Thank you so much everyone! ♥ Hopefully there will be more of them in the future... I love drawing, but the time just has a way of slipping away... I work full time, have two cute kids, continuisly building on our house and between all that I fill my time holding courses or see to it that the kids get to their soccer, dance, piano, drums, scouts and gymnastics. But still... I love crafting and I cherish every moment I get in my craftroom ♥
    So... Thank you for sweet comments and all! This makes me wanna do more and it shows me that people DO care, people take their time to leave a comment... This is huge for me! I truly love making people happy! And if I can share a freebee or bring inspiration to someone out there then that is what I'll do. Everyone deserves to be happy! Creating in all forms is a gift to to our hearts and our souls ♥
    Thanks everyone for stopping by.
    Hugs from Karin

  3. Wow, that is so very kind of you.

  4. Kajsan, I have been looking through your blog and at all your wonderful cards. I have some of your images that are free on the website. I wondered if you have time can you tell me what is the name of your digital image shop so I can go and buy some more. I love your latest ones especially for christmas. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me.


  5. These are adorable. Love them! Thank you again.

  6. Dank je wel voor deze ontzettend leiken en grappige digi`s

  7. I love these birds. The Christmas ones from this year and last year are so cute. Do you sell these drawings or is there a way to download them? You are very talented. Thank you for sharing.

  8. I love them... they are soo cute <3

  9. Hello, I am really in love with your fantastic birds. I recently put a freebie on a Card for you. Thanks a lot for this.
