lördag 28 april 2012

.:Vatten & Skapande:.

Hej alla!
Hoppas ni har en riktigt trevlig lördag!
Här sitter jag helt slut efter en dag fullspäckad av fysiskt arbete! Med en skogstomt så har man ständigt saker att ta hand om. Träd som fäller sig själva och träd som faller med flit! ;)
Jag vet att jag varit lite ”off” här senaste tiden… Sorry för det! Vi har haft lite ”extra arbete” som husägare… Det avlopp vi anlade då vi byggde huset bestämde sig för att ge upp. Och byggbranschens trevliga sätt att bemöta detta var sonika att skylla på varandra! (man tackar) Så medan vi stod utan avlopp och med två små barn i huset så bollades ansvaret fram och tillbaka mellan fyra parter. Återigen.. Man tackar! Att vara privatperson i en härva av juridik, stora bolag och processer betyder följande: NOLL att säga till om! Så efter 8-9v utan tvätt, disk, toalett och vardagligt bruk av handfat och diskho exempelvis så tog vi beslut om att anlägga helt nytt.
Gör om –gör rätt helt enkelt! Och i måndags stod nya anläggningen klar! Ett STORT TACK till Topas och alla som gjort det möjligt för oss att få igång allt så smidigt och så fort! Inget av detta hade varit möjligt utan hjälpen av engagerade och enormt lojala och seriösa människor i branschen. Topas kommer att finnas i första rummet då avloppsanläggningar kommer på tal i nutid och framtid!  
Så nu går all extra tid åt till att ta hand om ca 10v tvätt! -Vet ni hur mkt tvätt ETT barn gör av med på en enda dag?! Låt säga såhär... Har köpt en hel del nytt under dessa 10v! Och även här ett stort tack till alla berörda som lånat ut sin tvättmaskin och sin tid för "nöd-tvättning" och dusch/bad under denna tid. I början var det helt okej faktiskt! Kan inte klaga. Var som att leva "sommarliv". Gammal sommarstuga/båtliv. Men på slutet var det rätt tufft faktiskt. Men nu är det över och nu är vi en stor lycklig tvättande, duschande och diskande familj igen! ;-)
Idag, however flydde vi insidan och tog oss en rejäl titt på utsidan! Vädret bjöd på sol minsann och tomten bönade om lite ompyssling! Vi har röjt runt och fixat ute och även hunnit ta oss lite tid till att vårda insidan av hemmet lite vilket uppenbarligen behövs nu! ;-)

Men en HELT annan sak! Igår kom mitt första DT kit från Heartfelt Creations! Jag trodde mina ögon skulle trilla ur sina små hålor!! Vilket paket!
Det finns egentligen bara en enda regel med designuppdraget. Det är att man ska använda varje produkt man får minst en gång. Och med stansar och stämplar är det ju en fröjd! MEN.... Nu har dom skickat 113st stämplar, 53 dies och papper, glitter, brads och band½ Och jag undrar i mitt stilla sinne: Hur i #¤%"%" ska jag hinna använda allt?! *skratt* Men för er som känner mig så VET ni att jag kommer att göra mitt allra bästa! :) Om jag så ska jobba 24/7! Så morgondagen kommer att få avvara ett par timmar till skapande. Det är DESSUTOM riktigt snygga grejer! Så snart fylls bloggen av nyheter minsann! :)

Nu över till en romantisk "chick flick" på tv.
Jag kommer åter snart igen!
Kram Karin.

onsdag 25 april 2012

I made it!!

Goodmorning everyone!

This morning held a VERY happy surprice! :) I made it! I'm now for 6 lovely months a Heartfelt Creations girl ;) I can't wait to start creating! This was posted this morning at the Heartfelt creations blog:

Thank you to each one of the talented semi-finalists. We would like to extend a warm welcome to 10 new design team finalists that will be joining the Heartfelt Creations design team for the next 6 months: Sarah Miller, Alissa Wells, Erika Selander, Emily Neihaus, Kathleen Rooney, Rachel Dluhy, Cynthia Llorens Renaud, Giovana Smith, Karin Zander, and Marisa Job.
Congrats Ladies! We look forward to working with you and taking the paper-crafting industry to new heights of inspiration. 

Yeijj!! I'm SO happy! Thanks to all of you who voted for me and a huge thanks to Emma Lou and all of you at Heartfelt Creations!
Here's the four layouts/cards I sent in for semi finals:

1. Card, "love you alot"

Just loved to make theese flowers and had to make a card with them as well.

Making the card I had inspiration from a recent post in out local newspaper about new movies coming up. I really enjoy going to the movies with my love or with friends. And this time I'll try to go with the love of my life and this card was sort of an invitation to him (even though he will only see the pictures ;) But I don't think he'll mind at all as long as we get to go to the movies)

The flowers are made of the lovely dies I got and since the color of the papers are so bright and happy I decided not to go over the edges with inks.

2. Layout, "life"

This layout is filled with memories. The picture is taken by my father of my mother before I was born and is one of his top four ever. I just love the colours in the picture and even though the sort of orange/brown colour is not one of my favorites for scrapping I felt that this pic was "the one".

The flowers are made out of the lovely Heartfelt creations dies and I've used two sets of stamps in th flowers creating different patterns.

The leafes are from the flowerdies too. Just cut into five pieces from a flowerdie, creating matching leafes.

The text "I Believe in you" is also from the stamping kit I got in my package :)

The Orange/pink flowers are made out of light cardstock paper and carefulle colored with distressinks in orange and pink to pick up the colours in the picture. Over that the stampset makes a lovely feeling of summer flowers in a brown tone also with Distress Inks.

3. Layout, "Precious baby girl"

This picture is one of our first of my newborn baby girl. After a long process of three days she finally came out and having us both survive was no shorter than a miracle. So this picture is more special to me than probably anyone can amagine. And thanks to a perfect team of doctors I now have two wonderful kids and get to enjoy life with them every sigle day. A precious thing for a mother and for our family.

The flowers in this layout is from the same set of 7 flowers schped in different ways to give life to the larger picture and added to them are small handmade roses, Tim Holtz metal, pearls, stickers and glossy accents from Ranger. The little clock up on the left tells the time of birth of my baby girl. And in top of the layout I've saved a small piece of the background paper spelling the word "beautiful". I love small "hidden" details and this is one of those small accent things in this layout.

4. Layout, "my future"

Just looking at this picture makes me smile. Springtime, laughing kids playing happily together.
Theese two are my world and my future. And spending time with my family is one of the greatest things in life.

For decorating this layout I have used the lovely Heartfelt Creations Stamps and have given them life by watercolors. I chose to use brown, pink and purple. Theese colours are spring to me. We have alot of blossoms here in spring/early summer and the kids enjoy finding all of the new colours in nature after a long and cold white winter.

All around the edges I have written the word "love" as a frame for this one.

I'm SO happy to have been chosen as one of the new team members! :)
And huge congrats to all of the girls joining the team!

Today is for sure a happy happy day!
Thanks for stopping by and have a GREAT day!
Hugs/ Karin.

lördag 7 april 2012

.:Happy Birthday:.

Little boy turning six again :) 

Funny how they grow up so quickly! Seems not that long ago we had to supervice every step they took. And now they are hosting small parties and deciding for themes ans stuff ;)

Have a great day! And thanks for stopping by!
Hugs/ Karin

fredag 6 april 2012

.:Pink, purple and gray:.

A card I made for no special reason ;) Baught this stamp from a friend and just had to try giving her life by colour. And she decided to be a dark blond girl dressed in purple.

So text for this card will come later when I know who's getting her ;)

Have a great day and a lovely weekend!

.:For a boy:.

Friday and this time a card celebrating a little boy turning 6 years old.

Loving the Martha Stewart punch aroung the page! :) Gave life to a plain carstock paper without making it "to much".

Have a great Friday! And later today, some more inspiration for you if you want ;)

See you later! Hugs/ Karin

torsdag 5 april 2012

.:Playing outside:.

A fast one this time... Usually I can sit for more than four hours with the one and same layout. But this one does not have that many hours put in to it. Loving this picture to much to "hide" it.

Cute as a button (mommy is not partial at all! ;))
Have a GREAT day!

onsdag 4 april 2012

.:Crafting besides scrapbooking:.

Sometimes I see things and suddenly feel that: I wanna do that! Is it just me or do some of you get that feeling? The sudden urge of creating! ;) So.. My most recent new projects are ceramic and crochet.

I joined a little group of wonderful people in a ceramics class close to where I live. It's a place I wish I could actually be more than just once a week. The surroundings are heavenly. Near a river, small old cottages and wide meadows outlined by large oaktrees. It's like taking a step back in time.

Anyhow... This is the first two "things" I've made:
One small bowl for perheps snaxs, olives or candy.
And number two is a small plate. I've used my scrapbooking stamps to give it some character. Two little pigs. And the plan for this one was to have on the bedroomtable for jewlery keeping and for other small stuff laying around.
Then I saw theese cute hats for the kids. Can't be that hard to make? ;) So I tried.. And here's how they turned out. (I also made a pink one, but a little kid of mine snatched it before I had taken a pic.)
The little man in the house wanted a black and grey one... When finished he said: Mom I think I really want another one... So number two for him:

Little muchroom boy ;)

Now time to seize the day!
Have a wonderful day everyone!